Continue Button Flashing on Thr Lexmark E260dn

Have you shut it down yet and restarted after about 10 minutes?

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Good thought, but no dice.

Starts flashing again, but only about five seconds after Lexmark logo shows.

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In the past, I've fixed issues on printers by re-seating the memory stick.  Might try that.  I take it that it's not under a service agreement?

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Nope, no service agreement.     I'll live with it if I have to.   It's a low use colour unit, and it goes to sleep properly turning the screen off.
I'll try a RAM reseat - can't hurt.

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If it works otherwise, can you or did you update the firmware?

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Did you find a solution to this flashing probelm?

Mine has been doing it for ages.

I have recently pruchased a replacement display panel (comes with the screen and keypad as a complete unit)... I installed the new screen and keypad today... and it's the same issue.

The problem must be further in the printer somewhere.

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Did you find a solution to this flashing probelm?

Mine has been doing it for ages.

I have recently pruchased a replacement display panel (comes with the screen and keypad as a complete unit)... I installed the new screen and keypad today... and it's the same issue.

The problem must be further in the printer somewhere.

I kinda gave up on it to be honest...   Good to know it's not the display hardware.   Since I've installed no updates to it, I doubt it's a firmware thing.


One day when I have spare time I might poke at it again.  Let me know if you notice anything else.

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Firmware makes the hardware work.  Why wouldn't it be worth a try to update it?  It might contain the fix!

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Well, I've decided to invest some time & dollars into it. I've pulled the main board out (large one at the back of the printer. Super clean layout. Impossible to find a schematic. So stabbing in the dark to test and repair. My gut says the flashing is a pwm / dirty power somewhere. I'll be replacing all the electrolytic capacitors today 2 x 35v @ 470uf 5 x 35v @ 47uf If this fixes anything, I'll let you know. I also purchased a new main board from eBay to try. I made an offer of $25 and it got accepted If the eBay replacement board works, I'll compare values on the two and find out what's different and let you know. PS: there are at least two other printers in other forums with the same problem. I bet Lexmark knows this is a problem.

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It wasn't a very good show I'm afraid. You can put down the popcorn. I swapped out all the electrolytic caps off the main board (some tested out of spec but not by much) and re assembled... no change. Still flashing. I notice my display is also stuck on "Lexmark" on the display and never gets to the menu. Printer otherwise operates fine. Web interface is fine. Even did a firmware update using web interface ok. Need to wait for the eBay main board to arrive now and do a comparison. I'll be totally pulling my hair out of the problem is not fixed with the eBay main board. Last cab off the rank would be the main power supply. But again... Visual looks ok but no schematic to properly test diagnose.

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Ok, popcorn on the ready.
Replacement Lexmark mainboard has landed and is "out for delivery"
I'll throw it it when it arrives... see if the issue has gone away. Hoping to the $25 board sorts this out for a few more years life in the little printer.
If it works, I'll pull it out again and compare faulty bird to new and try and isolate the failed components.

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Did controller bd fix your problem.  My customer has same problem.  Lexmark keeps saying its display which we know its not.  I did dram test and the screen acts fine for a few or until I print.

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Mine's gotten worse - it's usually flashing from one white screen to another now, the menus etc completely non-visible.

So I'd love to hear an update too....

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what is weird is that when you do a firmware update or dram testing the screen doesn't flash at all while you are in these settings.

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Ok, sorry for slow reply getting back to you.

My symptoms

  • flashing lcd screen
  • also relaise in hind site the whiring alignment calibration was not running on power up
  • menu on LCD was not visible any more
  • Sometimes just showed the Lexmark logo
  • printer still worked ok, printing via network or USB

My printer is now working 100%. Summary:

  1. replacing the screen assemply does not fix the problem (wasted $$ there with that experiment)
  2. Power supply is not the problem (all tested OK)
  3. Visual inspection of main board (in the back of the printer) did not reveal anything
  4. Testing main lego components (capacitors, resistors, diodes) all tested ok. Replaced all electrolytics as some were 5-10% out of spec.
  5. No schematic available so flying blind
  6. purchased cheap replacement board off ebay (link to ebay in previous forum post)
  7. fitted new board and everything working!! (replacement main board from ebay fixed the problem)

I now have a known good working board, and the problem is known/understood to be somewhere on the main board. I literally spent hours testing good board component values, against bad board component values.

  • Any packages/micro controllers I swapped from good board to bad board one by one, and retested in the printer.
  • No joy

Then paid some attention to the surface mount IC. And looked up the data sheet. The large photo shows this. Turns out it's a sinlge package printer control system on a chip. Used by multiple manufacturers and hobby 3D printer designers. The printer controller, RAM controller AND LCD DISPLAY contoller is all built into the chip. There is plenty of marketing material for this System On A Chip, but I was not able to find a schematic. I want narrow down where the power supply and screen controller lines are.

I wnat to find the time to test the small capacitors on the back of the main baord. they are directly under the System On Chip. Not tested yet. When i've pulled these off and assuming no problem found, I'll bite the bullet and reflow the system on a chip and see if that does anything helpful.

final hypothisys is the System On a Chip is stuffed. maybe dry solder joints, or the not yet tested power smoothing caps underneath.

The other pics provided are what I suspect are the power regs for the LCD screenk, and a PIC controller (no idea what the PIC does/controls...? maybe menu keypad?). Swapped all these out too with no change.

A helpful peice of info... if anyone is having alignment issues with colour printing,

  1. Power OFF
  2. Hold down 3 & 6
  3. Power ON
  4. Diagnostics menu has alignment callibration.
  5. my alignment is now better than new and printing like a larger corporate colour laser.

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trying to attach the photos to this post

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As much as I like finding root cause of a problem... the easy path for anyone interseted and trying to fix their Lexmark CS410DN (or I think also the 510) is to buy one of these boards.

And your printer will be happy again.

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Had the same problem with MS811dn. Did a reflow at the main chip controller (System on Chip) and worked! No need to reball, just a trustyworth reflow.

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excuse me how you do it  a reflow at the main chip controller (System on Chip)?

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FWIW,  mine 'fixed itself.    The issue just disappeared one day at random, and hasn't come back.

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Ok - so if anyone has a solution - that would be amazing.  CS417dn doing the same thing.  However - I've had my printer into the repair shop more than a volkswagon goes into the dealership (sorry VW owners....)

I've already had the main power supply replaced once (a while ago). I see by doing research that there's a secondary power supply (low voltage power).  Could it be that either my low/main power supply unit is on the fritz again?

It doesn't even get to the "hum/buzz" like it's warming up the elements to produce any images.  It just blinks over and over and over.  It's gotten worse.  in the beginning it continued to work just fine while blinking, then ended up eventually completely dying.  I'm probably over $750 into repairs on this thing over the last few years, I'd hate to lose it altogether - but if someone suggest an idea - I'd be extremely thankful!

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